Friday, May 11, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
NELSON MANDELA LEADERSHIP LESSONS (A Tribute to Mr Nelson Mandela (Madiba)
In this book, (NELSON MANDELA LEADERSHIP LESSONS) the following
have been deliberated in great detail: Solving Team Leadership, Manage relationships with outsiders, Create
opportunities for others, Create a vision, Are You Ready to be a Team Leader?, Common
Problems , Matrix Team, The Knowledge Tug-of-War Game, Forming, Storming,
Norming, Performing, Adjourning, Forming
Norming, Performing, Adjourning, Factors Separating Teams from Groups, Roles and Responsibilities, Identity,
Cohesion, Facilitate
Communication, Flexibility,
Morale, Team Leadership, Team Leadership Model, Team Leadership Function Interventions,
Internal Task Functions
Internal Relationship
Functions, External Environmental Functions
Leadership and
Developing Diversity, Why Must We Embrace Diversity?
Why Is Embracing
Diversity A Challenge?, Why Do We Need To Become The Best?, What Has This To Do
With Human Resource Development (HRD)?, What Exactly Does Diversity Include?, Why
Does Culture Matter?, What Goals Does HRD Need?, How Does One Go About
Developing Diversity?, What Are Some Pointers For Developing Attitudes?, Training
Techniques, Evaluating Diversity Training
Time Management for
Leaders, A Simple Time Management Plan
The Big Picture, The Big
Rocks of Time, Leadership and Change
Change Acceptance, Unfreezing, Changing, Refreezing, Character and
Traits in Leadership, Building Excellence, Perspectives of Character and Traits , The Image of Leadership — John Schoolland, Organizations consist of three components, U.S. Army 23
Traits of Character
Are managers leaders?, Are
leaders managers?, Is Character Developed
Via Nature or Nurture, Motivation and Leadership, Reward good behavior, Set the example, Develop morale and esprit de corps
Allow your team to be part of the planning and problem solving
Look out for your team, Drive, Informed Acquiescence Vs. Value-Based Self-Governance, Counseling,
Counseling Steps, Tom’s work is not up to standard, Performance Appraisals, Communication
and Leadership
Communication Process, Active Listerning, Feedback, Nonverbal
Behaviour of Communication, Speaking hinds, Mehrabian and the 7%-38%-55% Myth,
Leadership and Direction, Planning with the Shewhart Cycle, Leading and Leadership,
The six steps of goal setting
Supervision for leaders, Inspiring your employees, Training and
coaching, The five points of leadership Power, Leadership and Human Behavior,
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Expansion of the Pyramid, Going beyond Maslow, Herberg’s
Hygiene and Motivational factors, McGrego’s Theory X and Theory Y, Alderfer’s
Existence l Relatedness / Growth (ERG), Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Concepts of
Leadership, Four Factors of Leadership, Boss or Leader, Boss Theory of
Leadership, Structure Framework, Human Resource Framework, Political Framework,
Symbolic Framework, Leadership Grid, Total Leadership, Be Know Do, Effective
Leadership, Principles of Leadership, Attributes of Leadership, Goals Values
and Concepts, Rules and Relationships, Culture and Climate, The Process of
Great Leadership, Horizontal Leadership, Horizontal VS Vertical Leadership, The
Learning Organization, Conducting Meetings, Prepare for meetings, Leadership
and Mentoring, Leadership: Org Ethos VS Warrior Ethos, Social Systems Culture
and Individualization, Action Learning, Nerves, Leadership: Strategy and
Tactics, Visioning, Tactical, Command and Control, Frameworks of Command and
Control, Leadership and Visioning, Creating a Vision, OODA LOOP, SOAP, After
Action Review. Leadership Styles, Positive and, Negative Approaches, Growing a
Team, What is a Team?, Be Enthusiastic — it's Contagious, Develop a Sense of Urgency, Set Clear, Rules of Behavior, Keep Them Informed, Steps to Team Problem
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