Saturday, December 5, 2009


About this book-------------------

This book gives you some of the dictatorship strategies that have been used by most African leaders and Zimbabwe in particular:

Zimbabwe brief history



Brief History

White Settler

Smith Declaration of UDI


Umdala Wethu

Farm Seizures

Food shortages


Urban “clean-up”

Sir Garfield Todd

Zimbabwe under Canaan Banana

Even a little power corrupts

Zimbabwe under Mugabe

Strategy # 1 Politicise all organs of the state

Strategy # 2 Keep fit

Strategy # 3 Disenfranchise the youth

Strategy # 4 Rebrand yourself

Strategy # 5 Use state machinery to steal votes

Strategy # 6 Be brutal with discerning voices

Strategy # 7 Mugabe’s Intimidations

Strategy # 8 Use unorthodox strategies

Strategy # 9 Instil fear in the masses

Strategy # 10 Connive with big brother

Strategy # 11 Make your citizens beggars

Strategy # 12 Use land as a political tool

Strategy # 13 Keep a tough grip on the industry

Strategy # 14 Threaten to take over factories

Strategy # 15 Appoint your cronies in all key positions

Strategy # 16 Plunder the economy: make the reserve bank

Your personal banker

Strategy # 17 Create a third force that is loyal to the party

Strategy # 18 Plunder the economy and blame the British

Strategy # 19 Destabilise your enemies

Strategy # 20 Starve your people and make them work for food

Strategy # 21Beat up the oppositions or kill them


ISBN 978-0-9814266-8-6

Fundamentals of Risk Management

ABOUT THIS BOOK-----------------

This book presents the fundamentals of managing risk.

The aims of this book are to:

• define a risk manager;

• define what risk management is all about;

• define various categories of risk;

It is hoped that the book will appeal to students at undergraduate, graduate or post experience level in business or management, or on related professional courses. It is also hoped that the book will appeal not only to those aspiring to be risk managers but also to practicing risk managers and supervisors who wish to expand their knowledge of the subject matter.

The book is written with a minimum of technical terminology and statistical formulas and the format is clearly structured.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-0-9

Risk Managegement Philosophy

About this book-------------------------------------------------

In this book the story of risk management has been deliberated from a philosophical point of view. It’s an argument that refuses to die. From the alphabet soup to cost reduction. From the Cudbury Committee report to the King report. From the madness of meetings to sleeping policemen. From robust engagement to ripple effects. From Mrs Murphy’s Law to mad cows and mothers milk. From Swedish risk management issues to British risk management issues right through to Australian risk standards. From strategic risk management to the culture of risk management. From the Temple to the bar. From the Dos to the Don’ts of good risk management. From changing risks to the best of the best.

This book will stimulate your reading appetite no matter who you are. If it’s good for the risk executive it must be good for you.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-2-3

Risk Management Strategies

About this book------------------------------------

The reputation of an organization is determined by the level and tenacity of how the organization implements its risk management strategies. In this edition of Risk Management Strategies the author maps out various strategies among other things:

● risk management systems

● risk management policies

● risk management architecture

● risk management assessment

● risk management control

● risk management financing

● risk management impact

● risk management data integrity

● risk management evaluation and effectiveness

● enterprise-wide risk management strategy

● enterprise- wide risk management approaches

● EWRM / HRM measurement

● EWRM / HRM control

● EWRM / HRM systems

● EWRM / HRM awareness

● EWRM / HRM Jigsaw model

● EWRM / HRM Spectrum model

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya 8 forces model

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya planning strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya analysis strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya review strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya communication strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya implementation strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya motivation and control strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya systems review strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya evaluation and plan modification strategy

● integrated internal control systems strategy

● Basil Accord strategy

The book succeeds in covering in one volume a wide field of study, and is particularly strong in areas relating to those risk management processes which influence the survival of the organization in uncertain times.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-4-7

Risk Management Strategies

About this book------------------------------------

The reputation of an organization is determined by the level and tenacity of how the organization implements its risk management strategies. In this edition of Risk Management Strategies the author maps out various strategies among other things:

● risk management systems

● risk management policies

● risk management architecture

● risk management assessment

● risk management control

● risk management financing

● risk management impact

● risk management data integrity

● risk management evaluation and effectiveness

● enterprise-wide risk management strategy

● enterprise- wide risk management approaches

● EWRM / HRM measurement

● EWRM / HRM control

● EWRM / HRM systems

● EWRM / HRM awareness

● EWRM / HRM Jigsaw model

● EWRM / HRM Spectrum model

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya 8 forces model

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya planning strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya analysis strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya review strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya communication strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya implementation strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya motivation and control strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya systems review strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya evaluation and plan modification strategy

● integrated internal control systems strategy

● Basil Accord strategy

The book succeeds in covering in one volume a wide field of study, and is particularly strong in areas relating to those risk management processes which influence the survival of the organization in uncertain times.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-4-7

Risk Dictionary

About this book-------------------------------------------------

This book explains not all but most of risk, accounting and banking concepts that matter in the subjects of risk, accounting and banking. The book contains 480 detailed entries of definitions from three core areas namely risk management, accounting and banking.

It will prove a reference of constant value to practitioners, business, management, banking, government, and not for profit organizations as well as academics and students in universities and business schools.

Dr John Chibaya Mbuya is an international authority, author and lecturer on risk management and banking and is regarded as having pioneered many of the systems, procedures and training programmes which companies can put into place to handle the risk aspects of their businesses.

Dr Mbuya is a former principal senior lecturer (Banking) in the Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Johannesburg, where he specialised in Banking and Risk Management and the founder and CEO of Ascendancy Banking Academy.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-6-1

Friday, December 4, 2009

Corporate Governance and Culture

About this book------------------

In this book the role of corporate governance has been explained in detail. The powers of directors, the rights of directors, the duties of directors, meetings of directors, fiduciary duties of directors, the code of corporate practice and conduct, the role of the non executive directors, the code of ethics, corporate governance models, the governed Vs the managed organization, the relationship between risk and culture and the cultural and emotional overload.

ISBN: 978-0-9814266-7-9

Grooming and Ettiquette for Men and Women in Corporate

About this book--------

The aim of this book is purely to equip men and women in the corporate world about the importance of personal dressing. We have all seen and witnessed embarrassing situations were one feels naked because he or she was not dressed for the occasion. In addition the book will teach you the following:

● wardrobe planning for women

● how to sort out your wardrobe for women

● handy tips on clothing

● how you wear your clothes

● fashion and its cyle

● classical backbone of every wardrobe

● a few no-no’s for a well dressed woman

● her wardrobe planning at a glance

● wardrobe planning for men

● sort out your wardrobe for men

● basic minimum wardrobe for men

● a sales person

ISBN 978-0-9814266-0-0

Fundamentals of Credit Risk Management

ABOUT THIS BOOK-----------

The fundamentals of credit risk management in the banking industry explores:

● the functions and application of credit management

● what background is needed in the credit environment

● the relationship between sales and credit

● control at “coal face” level

● some tried and tested lending principles

● effective interviewing for credit applications

● check list for corporate customers

● the criteria banks use to assess advances

The book is written with a minimum of technical terminology and statistical formulas and the format is clearly structured.

ISBN: 978-0-620-39939-5

The Pillars of Banking

ABOUT THIS BOOK-----------------

This book presents the pillars of banking approach to managing banks.

The aims of this book are to:

• define what banking is all about;

• origin and evolution of money

• an overview of the monetary system in the USA

• banking basics

• the role of the FED

• history of inflation in the 1970s

• forms of money

• money laundering

• functions and nature of banking business

• historical developments in the South African banking Industry

• legal framework of the banking industry in South Africa

• external relations of the banking industry in South Africa

• financial intermediation in South Africa

• financial markets in South Africa

• structure of the South African Reserve Bank

• bank supervision

• merchant banks, commercial banks and others

• risk management theory

• banking products and services

• credit management

• relationship banking

• lending in the new environment

• some tried and tested lending principles

• effective interviewing for credit applications

• checklist for corporate clients

• credi risk assessment and management

• project finance risk

• derivative markets

• MBOs and LBOs

• securities for credit facilities

• company failures the danger signs

• a survival kit

• restructuring of ailing companies

• solvency liquidations and judicial management

• define what credit management is all about;

• define various categories of risk;

• classical world case studies

• summary and analysis of world case studies

• world class

It is hoped that the book will appeal to students at undergraduate, graduate or post experience level in business or management, or on related professional courses. It is also hoped that the book will appeal not only to those aspiring to be risk managers but also to practicing risk managers and supervisors who wish to expand their knowledge of the subject area.

The book is written with a minimum of technical terminology and statistical formulas and the format is clearly structured.

ISBN 978-0-620-39937-1

The Aids Epidemic in Southern Africa


This book tells you more about AIDS than any other books you have ever seen. It teaches you how to do a self diagnosis, gives you an idea of what promiscuity, prostitution and morality is all about. How aids is not spread, the arguments in favour of being tested. Counselling, support and self-help. Emotional reaction to HIV and AIDS. The background of counselling and the basic goals of counselling. Areas of need for counselling for AIDS. Terminal care and bereavement and practical health care and many other areas of interest.

ISBN 0-620-24214-0


Drug and Substance Abuse in Southern Africa

About this book-------------------

The book gives an analysis of the following drugs and there effect in life in general: It also gives the does and don’ts of drugs:

1. Tobacco

2. Alcohol

3. Cannabis

4. Ecstasy

5. Herbal Highs

6. Ketamine

7. GHB

8. Solvents

9. Poppers

10. Amphetamine-

11. Methylamphetamine

12. Cocaine

13. Crack

14. Heroin

15. Methadone

16. Acid

17. Magic Mushrooms

18. PCP

19. DMT

20. Tranquillisers

21. Rohypnol

22. Barbiturates

23. Sports Drugs

ISBN 0-620-29518-X

BAR code 9780620295185

The Rise and Fall of Saambou Bank

ABOUT THIS BOOK----------------------------

The banking landscape is littered with failures. What is the reason for all these failures? Is it mismanagement of scarce resources? Is it the abortion of corporate governance? Is it sheer ignorance? Is it poor risk management? Is it just one reason or a combination of reasons? Is it management arrogance? Is it sheer stupidity? Is it misuse of power? Is it the abuse of power? Is it greedy?

This book will take you through the events that lead to the collapse of Saambou bank the seventh largest bank in South Africa. The flaws in management thinking. The lies, the ignorance of fundamental risk principles and the cheating at the top. The things management should have done but choose to ignore. The lessons from the collapse of Saambou Bank. The lessons for risk managers and bankers out there. The case studies from other international failures and a lot more.

ISBN 0-620-28889-2

BAR code 978062028889-7