Saturday, December 5, 2009

Risk Managegement Philosophy

About this book-------------------------------------------------

In this book the story of risk management has been deliberated from a philosophical point of view. It’s an argument that refuses to die. From the alphabet soup to cost reduction. From the Cudbury Committee report to the King report. From the madness of meetings to sleeping policemen. From robust engagement to ripple effects. From Mrs Murphy’s Law to mad cows and mothers milk. From Swedish risk management issues to British risk management issues right through to Australian risk standards. From strategic risk management to the culture of risk management. From the Temple to the bar. From the Dos to the Don’ts of good risk management. From changing risks to the best of the best.

This book will stimulate your reading appetite no matter who you are. If it’s good for the risk executive it must be good for you.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-2-3

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