Saturday, December 5, 2009

Risk Management Strategies

About this book------------------------------------

The reputation of an organization is determined by the level and tenacity of how the organization implements its risk management strategies. In this edition of Risk Management Strategies the author maps out various strategies among other things:

● risk management systems

● risk management policies

● risk management architecture

● risk management assessment

● risk management control

● risk management financing

● risk management impact

● risk management data integrity

● risk management evaluation and effectiveness

● enterprise-wide risk management strategy

● enterprise- wide risk management approaches

● EWRM / HRM measurement

● EWRM / HRM control

● EWRM / HRM systems

● EWRM / HRM awareness

● EWRM / HRM Jigsaw model

● EWRM / HRM Spectrum model

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya 8 forces model

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya planning strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya analysis strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya review strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya communication strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya implementation strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya motivation and control strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya systems review strategy

● EWRM / HRM Mbuya evaluation and plan modification strategy

● integrated internal control systems strategy

● Basil Accord strategy

The book succeeds in covering in one volume a wide field of study, and is particularly strong in areas relating to those risk management processes which influence the survival of the organization in uncertain times.

ISBN: 978-0-9814267-4-7

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