Friday, December 4, 2009

Drug and Substance Abuse in Southern Africa

About this book-------------------

The book gives an analysis of the following drugs and there effect in life in general: It also gives the does and don’ts of drugs:

1. Tobacco

2. Alcohol

3. Cannabis

4. Ecstasy

5. Herbal Highs

6. Ketamine

7. GHB

8. Solvents

9. Poppers

10. Amphetamine-

11. Methylamphetamine

12. Cocaine

13. Crack

14. Heroin

15. Methadone

16. Acid

17. Magic Mushrooms

18. PCP

19. DMT

20. Tranquillisers

21. Rohypnol

22. Barbiturates

23. Sports Drugs

ISBN 0-620-29518-X

BAR code 9780620295185

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