Friday, December 4, 2009

The Pillars of Banking

ABOUT THIS BOOK-----------------

This book presents the pillars of banking approach to managing banks.

The aims of this book are to:

• define what banking is all about;

• origin and evolution of money

• an overview of the monetary system in the USA

• banking basics

• the role of the FED

• history of inflation in the 1970s

• forms of money

• money laundering

• functions and nature of banking business

• historical developments in the South African banking Industry

• legal framework of the banking industry in South Africa

• external relations of the banking industry in South Africa

• financial intermediation in South Africa

• financial markets in South Africa

• structure of the South African Reserve Bank

• bank supervision

• merchant banks, commercial banks and others

• risk management theory

• banking products and services

• credit management

• relationship banking

• lending in the new environment

• some tried and tested lending principles

• effective interviewing for credit applications

• checklist for corporate clients

• credi risk assessment and management

• project finance risk

• derivative markets

• MBOs and LBOs

• securities for credit facilities

• company failures the danger signs

• a survival kit

• restructuring of ailing companies

• solvency liquidations and judicial management

• define what credit management is all about;

• define various categories of risk;

• classical world case studies

• summary and analysis of world case studies

• world class

It is hoped that the book will appeal to students at undergraduate, graduate or post experience level in business or management, or on related professional courses. It is also hoped that the book will appeal not only to those aspiring to be risk managers but also to practicing risk managers and supervisors who wish to expand their knowledge of the subject area.

The book is written with a minimum of technical terminology and statistical formulas and the format is clearly structured.

ISBN 978-0-620-39937-1

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